Boost to Collaboration with the Official Colleges of Decorators and Interior Designers of Spain

Feria Valencia and the General Council of Official Colleges of Decorators and Interior Designers of Spain sign a collaboration agreement to boost the presence of these groups at events such as Hábitat or Cevisama.

Valencia, May 23, 2024.- Feria Valencia and the General Council of Official Colleges of Decorators and Interior Designers of Spain (CGCODDI) have strengthened their collaborative ties in recent years and have signed an agreement to promote joint work and the presence of professional decorators and interior designers at various events hosted by Feria Valencia, specifically in these sectors.

In this regard, the agreement will allow members of the Colleges of Decorators and Interior Designers to gain entry to fairs such as Cevisama, Hábitat, or Espacio Cocina SICI, as well as receive discounts on transportation from Renfe and Iberia, provided they register their attendance at these fairs and various ‘Hospitality’ programs organized by the fairs for their guests.

Similarly, Feria Valencia will also provide meeting and working spaces for members and will host the annual CGCODDI assembly.

On the other hand, the agreement will enable the College to inform its registered professionals about all activities, news, or conference programs of the key fairs, as well as facilitate their entry. Particularly noteworthy is participation in the cultural program of Cevisama Lab, the Ceramic and Bathroom Design Competition, the Architecture Forum, or the nude Salon, and the promotion of these events on its website and social media.

Moreover, the highest representative of the professional group of decorators and interior designers will act as a “link” between Feria Valencia and international sectoral organizations such as ECIA (European Council of Interior Architects) and IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects and Designers) to promote the internationality of the events.

Likewise, the interested events of Feria Valencia will be able to use the various rooms of the College for appropriate presentations to their own members.

This strengthens the relationship between events such as Hábitat, Textilhogar, Espacio Cocina SICI, and Cevisama and the community of decoration and interior design professionals, which is particularly important among the different segments of professionals who visit these fairs each year.